Store Your Baby’s Newborn Stem Cells With the Cord Blood Advantage Program.
Your family means the world to you, and we're here to help you protect it. Through our sister company, Cord Blood Registry (CBR), all California Cryobank families now receive the special perks of cord blood and cord tissue banking. This is provided at no additional cost through the Cord Blood Advantage Program, a $2,880 value.
Your family means the world to you, and we're here to help you protect it. Through our sister company, Cord Blood Registry (CBR), all California Cryobank families now receive the special perks of cord blood and cord tissue banking. This is provided at no additional cost through the Cord Blood Advantage Program, a $2,880 value.
What You Get
With Cord Blood Advantage

& Cord Tissue

& First Year
per year thereafter*



Since cord blood and cord tissue stem cells function differently, they may help repair the
body in different ways.

Cord blood is the blood that remains in the umbilical cord and placenta after delivery.
Umbilical cord blood contains hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), which have a 30-year history of saving lives. These powerful stem cells are the building blocks of the blood and immune system, and are used in the treatment of over 80 diseases like:
- Blood disorders
- Certain cancers
- Immune disorders
- Metabolic disorders

Cord tissue is in your baby's umbilical cord, which contains mesenchymal stem cells.
Umbilical cord tissue is home to several cell types, including mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). MSCs are among the most widely researched cell types in the field of regenerative medicine.1 Currently they're being researched for conditions in categories like:
- Autoimmune
- Orthopedic
- Cardiovascular
- Neurological (acquired & degenerative)
Newborn stem cells can potentially be a powerful resource for your family, should they need it in the future.

smart cells
They "know" how to find injured cells in the body and start a healing process.2

YOUNger Stem Cells
Newborn stem cells are younger and more flexible than adult stem cells from other sources, like bone marrow.3

Your baby is a 100% match to their own stem cells. This may be especially important for donor-conceived individuals who don’t have access to half of their biological family tree.
Cord blood stem cells are already being used to treat 80+ serious conditions of the blood and immune systems.
Clinical Trials
More than 500 clinical trials have been initiated to study newborn stem cells in regenerative medicine.4

Prepare for
the Future
Preserving your newborn’s stem cells now may give your family more medical options in the future.
4 Easy Steps
Register online or call 888.280.8375 and CBR will send you a collection kit.
Pack Your Kit
Take the kit to the hospital on delivery day so your doctor or midwife can perform the collection.
Call For A Courier
Call 888.588.1292 afterward and our medical courier will pick up your kit from the hospital or birthing center.
The #1 choice of families and OB/GYNs, CBR is the world’s largest and most experienced family newborn stem cell bank.

CBR's Family Health Registry pushes the science forward by connecting families with the latest newborn stem cell research.

Safe Location
CBR's lab and storage facility in Tucson, Arizona is built to help ensure the long-term safety of your baby’s newborn stem cells.
the future, now
More than 80% of the cord blood samples released by CBR have been for investigational regenerative medicine uses.

Experts At The Ready
A team of Certified Genetic Counselors is available to answer questions about your family's health and newborn stem cells.
CBR has already stored close to one million newborn stem cell units.

Quality Testing
All newborn stem cell units are tested for multiple quality metrics.
*Annual storage rates subject to change. Offer applies to single-birth, U.S. and Canadian customers only. After the first year, clients are responsible for storage. Clients can choose to renew storage each year, or they can save on 18-year or lifetime options.
The use of cord blood is determined by the treating physician and is influenced by many factors, including the patient's medical condition, the characteristics of the sample, and whether the cord blood should come from the patient or an appropriately matched donor. Cord blood has established uses in transplant medicine; however, its use in regenerative medicine is still being researched. There is no guarantee that potential medical applications being studied in the laboratory or clinical trials will become available.
Cord tissue use is still in early research stages, and there is no guarantee that treatments using cord tissue will be available in the future. Cord tissue is stored whole. Additional processing prior to use will be required to extract and prepare any of the multiple cell types from cryopreserved cord tissue. Cbr Systems, Inc.’s activities for New York State residents are limited to collection of umbilical cord tissue and long-term storage of umbilical cord–derived stem cells. Cbr Systems, Inc.’s possession of a New York State license for such collection and long-term storage does not indicate approval or endorsement of possible future uses or future suitability of these cells.
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National averages range from 3-4 insemination cycles per successful pregnancy. We recommend purchasing at least 5 vials per child to guarantee your donor remains available until reaching your personal family goals. Additionally, you get 1 Year FREE storage if you purchase 4 or more vials ($475 value).
Our donors sell out and retire quickly! We have thousands of clients forced to choose between a new donor or not having a second child because they chose not to store vials for future use while they were available. To help you plan for your future, we offer 3 Years FREE storage if you purchase 3 Years+ vials ($1,050 value) - as well as the ability to sell back any unused vials that have not left our control.